Association for Women in Slavic Studies (AWSS) Workshop on Gender and Women in Russia’s Great War and Revolution, 1914-1922


Workshop Program

* All sessions, unless otherwise noted, in 308 Main Library (1408 W. Gregory Dr., Urbana, IL 61801).

Friday, June 22

9:30 – 9:45 AM  Welcome and Introduction

  • John Randolph, Director, REEEC (University of Illinois)
  • Adele Lindenmeyr and Melissa Stockdale, AWSS Workshop Organizers

9:45 – 11:30 AM  Session 1: Individual Lives and Representations
Chair: Melissa Stockdale (University of Oklahoma)

  • Galina Ulyanova (Institute of Russian History, Moscow) – participating remotely, “The Empress Mother Maria Feodorovna during the Great War and Revolution”
  • Boris Kolonitsky (European University, St. Petersburg) – participating remotely, “Керенский как «женщина»: Делигитимация политика в условиях революции”
  • Stuart D. Finkel (Dartmouth University/University of Florida), “Philanthropy, Politics, and Public Action: The Several ‘Lives’ of Ekaterina Peshkova in Revolutionary Russia”
  • Discussant: Adele Lindenmeyr (Villanova University)

1:30-2:30 PM  UIUC Library Resources on Russia’s Great War and Revolution
323 C Main Library (1408 W. Gregory Dr., Urbana, IL 61801)

  • Annabella Irvine, Research Associate, Slavic Reference Service

2:45-3:15 PM  Coffee Break

3:15-5:00 PM  Session 2: Gender, Religion and Revolution
Chair: Adele Lindenmeyr (Villanova University)

  • Katy Turton (Queen’s University, Belfast) – participating remotely, “Gender, Memory and the February Revolution”
  • Christine Worobec (Northern Illinois University), “Lived Religion Gendered: Representations and Practices of Russian Orthodoxy”
  • Discussant: John Randolph (University of Illinois)

Saturday, June 23

9:15-10:45 AM  Session 3: Experiencing War and Revolution through the Lens of Gender
Chair: Steven Jug (Baylor University)

  • Denis Davydov and Olga Kozlova (Казанский государственный технический университет им. А.Н. Туполева) – participating remotely, “Трансформация социального статуса сельской женщины  в период 1914-1922 гг. (по материалам Казанской губернии)”
  • Pavel Vasilyev (Van Leer Jerusalem Institution) – unable to attend, paper presented by Adrienne Harris, “Gendered Bodies on Trial: Exploring Litigation Strategies in the Early Soviet People’s Court”
  • David Borgmeyer (St. Louis University), “Natalia Goncharova and the Avant-Garde’s Take on Russia’s Great War and Revolution”
  • Discussant: Ronald Bobroff (Oglethorpe University)

10:45-11:15 AM  Coffee Break

11:15 AM-12:45 PM  Masculinities and Russia’s Great War
Chair: Katherine McElvanney (Queen Mary University of London)

  • Ronald Bobroff (Oglethorpe University), “Masculinity and July 1914: A gendered factor in Russia’s decision for war”
  • Steven Jug (Baylor University), “Reconnoitering Masculine Subjectivities among Soldiers, Officers, Guards, and Legionnaires on Russia’s Fronts, 1914-1921”
  • Discussant: Melissa Stockdale (University of Oklahoma)

2:00-3:30 PM  Women as Economic and Political Actors
Chair: Christine Worobec (Northern Illinois University)

  • Tony Heywood (University of Aberdeen) – unable to attend; paper presented by Adele Lindenmeyr, “Morals, Money, and Men: The Wartime Employment of Womeon on Imperial Russia’s Railways, July 1914 – March 1917”
  • Katherine McElvanney (Queen Mary University of London), “Women and the Early Soviet Press, 1917-1922”
  • Discussant: Stuart Finkel (Dartmouth University/University of Florida)

3:00-4:15 PM  Coffee Break

4:15-5:30 PM  Final Discussion and Future Planning
Chairs: Melissa Stockdale and Adele Lindenmeyr